Helping you and your baby trust, nourish, and thrive

Welcome to Nectar & Nurture, mama.

I’m Amanda, a Certified Lactation Counselor and bodyworker trained in the Gillespie Approach. 

I support the mother-child dyad holistically throughout the breastfeeding journey and beyond. I believe the root cause of breastfeeding problems and other infant conditions can often be addressed with bodywork. In my practice, I hold space for the body to unwind and release tight fascia to help the body heal itself and function optimally. For those seeking breastfeeding support, I perform a functional latch assessment and provide an individualized plan of care. 


So much of motherhood is about deep trust and surrender. It’s about trusting your body to nourish, and trusting your baby to communicate their needs.

Vulnerability and strength.
Joy and pain.
Nectar and nurture.


How can I support you?

I take a holistic approach to addressing breastfeeding challenges and other infant conditions. We will work together from your own home to overcome the obstacles you and your baby are facing. My service options are tailored to each mother and child and your unique situation. Depending on what you need, I will combine bodywork using Craniosacral Fascial Therapy with breastfeeding support that may include oral and latch assessments, education, and more.

infant bodywork

oral assessments

latch assessments


Looking for More Support?

Learn all about breastfeeding, the nervous system, bodywork, craniosacral fascial therapy and more on my resource blog!

  • I integrate bodywork with breastfeeding support because I believe breastfeeding problems and tightness in the body are interconnected. For example, with oral restrictions, I often see tightness along the length of the body. By releasing and unwinding tight fascia throughout the body, the symptoms of oral restrictions can improve (for example, decreased pain while nursing, no longer clicking while nursing, no longer having a side preference when nursing, and more!).

  • The Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy is founded by Dr. Barry Gillespie, based on his theory that the craniosacral and fascial systems are one interconnected system.

    The craniosacral system includes structures of the brain, spinal cord and sacrum that gently pumps cerebrospinal fluid. The fascia is a continuous layered web of connective tissue that surrounds and protects all structures of the body and brain. It also influences the function of cranial nerves and the central nervous system. Physical and emotional traumas have the capacity to tighten the free-moving craniosacral fascial system by exerting pressure on nerves, muscles, organs, blood and lymph vessels, and bones.

    The goal of craniosacral fascial therapy is to gently unwind and release fascial strain because releasing tight fascia allows the cranial bones and sacrum to correct, allowing for optimal mobility and better brain function. Releasing tight fascia facilitates the cerebrospinal fluid to flow optimally, giving the body space to heal, as the body is self-healing and self-regulating.

  • Bodywork is beneficial for all babies! By releasing tightness in the craniosacral fascial system, the body has space to function optimally… leading to healthy, happy, thriving babies.


    • birth trauma: forceps or vacuum used at birth, long or fast labor, c-section

    • breastfeeding issues: poor latch or difficulty sucking, feeding side preference, clicking sounds while nursing

    • airway issues: snoring, mouth breathing, arching when asleep

    • GI issues: reflux, gas, constipation, spits up after every feed

    • tethered oral tissues (TOTs)

    • nervous system dysregulation

    • torticollis

    • flat spots on the head

    • grunts a lot and seems uncomfortable; general fussiness

    • ear infections

    • body tension; baby is stiff and likes to stand

You are both designed for this.